This is a visitor-participation event held at Togoshi Park in Shinagawa Ward, where visitors can share "hope" with a single acoustic guitar. With the cooperation of the Board of Education and local governments, the event will be held for the 10th time in 2019 as part of the "Shinagawa Cultural Program."
When the event was first held, the stage was a bench in Togoshi Park. With the support of the local community, the event has continued as the ultimate free event, where professionals and amateurs alike can freely send out messages of "hope" and "courage" from the stage in Togoshi Park in a variety of ways, including singing, drawing, and speeches.
The ninth event was held on May 4, 2018, and without any prior notice, the number of visitors who agreed with the purpose of the event increased year by year through word of mouth alone, with the event attracting 1,400 people.
Thoughts from Jesse, the founder of the "Togoshi Day" ~Bring the HOPE Project~
The reason we started at Togoshi Park was when we heard about the earthquake in Haiti in 2010. We wondered if there was something we could do even from far away, when so many people were grieving in that far away country. We wondered if the only way to provide support was with money, so we thought of the people of Haiti and decided to hold a live concert through music to convey that we had all come together (believing in the power of music).
Fewer than 100 people gathered at the first event on May 4, 2010. We told them to come to Togoshi if a similar disaster were to occur in Japan someday, and the following year, on March 11, 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred. Two months later, in May, without any notice, everyone gathered with hope in their hands. At that time, hope became an important core word. If we lose hope, we won't even have the desire to rebuild or redevelop, so we launched the Bring the HOPE Project as a group to protect that hope.
Why May 4th? The first day we held this live concert was May 4th, 2010, and it sounded good. Since 2010, we have been holding the event every year, and this year marks the 10th anniversary.
This is the 10th anniversary of the event, and it has been officially recognized as a Shinagawa cultural program. With this as a turning point, we hope to make the event more accessible to a wide range of people, not just young people, but also men and women of all ages, and contribute to the local Togoshi shopping district.
Request for cooperation on "Togoshi Day"
Since the event will be held in a public place such as a park, please observe the following rules.
1. How to enter
For safety reasons, you will need a ticket (numbered ticket) to participate in the event.
Please note that those without a ticket (numbered ticket) will not be able to participate in the event.
The Togoshi Park special stage area will be divided into blocks A to H. Please enter the block indicated on your ticket (numbered ticket).
There are no waiting areas around the park, so please arrive at the opening time.
Blocks A to D: Seated viewing area
Blocks E-H: standing area
*The seated viewing area is made of sand, so please bring a single-person picnic sheet or similar.
*On the day of the event, please present your serial number to the staff at the park entrance and follow their instructions.
2. Request
This event is being held with the cooperation of local residents. Please take your trash home with you.
Please note that there are no bicycle or car parking facilities available, so please use public transportation to get to the venue.
After the show, please do not stay in the park but return home promptly.
3. In case of rain
The event will be canceled in case of rain.
Regardless of whether the event is held or not, you will be responsible for your own accommodation, transportation, etc.
The Togoshi Park special stage area will be divided into blocks A to H. Please enter the block indicated on your ticket (numbered ticket).
In case of rain, please check the official website and official Twitter account ( https://twitter.com/BringTheHOPE_PJ/ ) for information regarding the event.